Many people fail to prioritize medical care, even after they are hurt in a truck accident because they are busy or concerned about high treatment costs. Individuals may refuse to seek medical treatment because they do not want to miss work or they do not want to take time away from caring for their family. Also, people are typically worried about paying for medical bills that can be costly if they seek medical care.
Declining treatment, however, is a crucial medical mistake to avoid after a Glastonbury truck accident. Any gap or omission in medical treatment could allow an insurance company or another defendant to build a strong defense and deny compensation. A seasoned truck accident lawyer could handle the legal aspects of a truck crash claim so that an injured driver can focus fully on their physical recovery.
Refusing Treatment After a Truck Accident
Refusing immediate medical treatment after an accident is a mistake for one’s health and their claim. More than likely, the insurance company will argue that the pain or injury is not causally related to the accident, given the distance and time the claimant sought treatment after the accident.
Injured drivers and passengers may make the mistake of refusing treatment many times at the scene of an accident, adrenaline kicks in and it numbs the pain. An injured person may not seek medical care initially because of that adrenaline. Other times, drivers may not seek treatment because they do not have health insurance, or because they think the pain will vanish on its own. For more information about the medical mistakes to avoid after a Glastonbury truck accident, reach out to a dedicated lawyer.
Failing to Follow Doctors’ Orders
Just as it is a mistake to avoid medical treatment, individuals should also avoid failing to not to follow doctor’s orders once they do seek care. If a doctor is prescribing a course of treatment, the patient should be doing everything they can to follow their direction. If a patient fails to follow their prescribed regimen, an insurance company may argue that their injury is not serious or that the specific treatment is not necessary.
Treatment Gap
If a person does not follow up with a medical professional after an initial visit, there appears to be a gap in treatment. A treatment gap can hurt a person’s case, especially if there is no explanation for it. The insurance company and the defense lawyer will likely argue that the pain went away and the person was healed, and any subsequent treatment was for a separate injury, unrelated to the accident. That can make it difficult for the injured party to recover compensation for damages like medical bills.
A potential plaintiff in a truck accident should keep careful track of their medical treatment and take care not to miss appointments. Even if a driver feels like they have physically recovered, it is always better to take precautionary measures and consult with a doctor.
Call a Lawyer to Avoid Medical Mistakes after a Glastonbury Truck Accident
An experienced truck accident attorney could help navigate the initial steps of dealing with a truck crash by answering questions about the next steps. Injured drivers and passengers may have concerns about their bills, their vehicle, or their life in general. An attorney could help answer those questions and allow the plaintiff to focus entirely on their medical treatment and recovery. Call today and let a lawyer help you understand the medical mistakes to avoid after a Glastonbury truck accident.