by Ryan McKeen
Blogging is a lot like making Italian food.
I’m convinced many Italian dishes were born as a result of leftovers being thrown in a pot when no one ingredient would suffice for a meal.
It’s Friday, and here are my leftover blog ideas:
- In case you missed it, the Hartford Courtant’s Stan Simpson wrote a column on Judge Cofield. Well worth a read. Hartford Courant.
- Yesterday was a bad day for many in the legal profession. Above the Law reports that 828 people in the legal profession lost their jobs yesterday. From a distance, it seems there is a whole lot of “monkey see, monkey do” management in big national law firms. A few years ago it was forseeably stupid associate pay wars and now its layoffs. It leaves me wondering, what if anything, we’ll see from Hartford firms.
- Twitter…twitter…twitter…it’s the way I get my news and it just got better. Yesterday the Hartford Courant entered the world of twitter. Follow it @hartfordcourant
Finally, it’s time for the best words of the winter: “Pitchers and catchers”.